Thursday, January 19, 2017


Family: by definition family means a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household. But what really stands out to us about the title of Family? Do we accept the given definition, or have we made our own trends and theories about what the definition of family should be? Does family include actually being married? Is it family to be married without children? For those who can't physically have children, do you think to adopt? Do we feel that being a part of a family means to love our significant other and that's it? That love is going to be the only thing that carries us into eternity, and it doesn't need to transform into anything more than that? Are you really committed to your marriage, and supply it with the necessities needed for it to be the beautiful blessing God has intended it to be? 
        These "Myth Trends" as they are called, say that love is all you need but is that really so? The average couple well on its way to divorce claim to love each other, but have 10 areas of significant incompatibility. These are compatibility areas that matter and are important to the function of the relationship. It is normal in our generation for mothers to work with children under the age of six because of the new opportunities that have risen for women. People have said that because of such, it takes the mother away from the child during crucial years of their development. It has also come to an understanding that sexual relations outside of marriage are ok, and are perfectly fine. Me personally(as well as others) see people are forgetting that intercourse was sanctified and given from God as a way to create life, and that act of love is between a man and a woman within the bonds of marriage. We have the duty to be involved in our families lives, and have to be willing to get to know them deeper and deeper as time passes by. We need to understand how they feel on certain subjects. 
     Understanding your spouse on an intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and even on a sexual level are things that love leads to. Love can transform into something eternal if we let it, and let ourselves partake in such a transformation. I am not trying to imply that after this transformation takes place that its perfect, because its not. There will be conflict at times, but there is a difference between conflict and fighting. You can have conflict, and not be in conflict. As a couple you can build a relationship that can last an eternity. You can have the hope that any conflict you are currently having in your relationship can be mended and restored to a greater height than it was before. I believe we all need to look and search for what families were created for. 

      Yes this is my first blog and I feel that so far it has sounded more like a lecture from school than anything. I read it and see that I'm here telling you whats wrong and that I'm going to tell you how to magically fix it. If that is the case and what you have found in this so far then I apologize. I want this blog to actually mean something to someone, something that they can look up to and possibly even hold on to at times. Every family has its pain, and every family has its type of bondage. My goal with this blog and also in life is to help families free themselves from that bondage. This blog centers around families, and each week looks at different aspects of them. I will be honest, some are harder to write about than others. I will have faults in my writing. I will be the first to admit that I am a terrible writer. It takes me so long to talk about the points I want to express as well as it all making sense by the end. My mom and sister can confirm that. So if you are reading this then please continue reading and bare with me till the end. I always ask my sister for advice on how to write things. My family supports me, they help me when I need it. They are always there for me when no one else is. I love my family dearly. We have our faults, and problems. We have our sibling conflicts that have driven us to a point where our relationships seem superficial at times. We seem to only call one another only when we need something from them. We don't call and ask how their day is going, whats going on, or if there is anything they are struggling with that we can help them with. My mom tells me all the time that she hopes there will be a time that I will be excited to see and talk to my brother again. That things between us will change. I will sit there and tell her me too, but yet I will do nothing about it. In a way it kinda describes what I'm trying to say. I love my brother so much, but we have not communicated or have taken time to build a strong understanding foundation as siblings to push past just loving one another. The same principle is associated with you and your spouse. To have a relationship predicated and built upon understanding each others souls and emotions. To really be close to one another and develop a bond that will never be broken. God has blessed us with the opportunity to make our brothers, sisters, husbands and wives our best friends. The type of people you can always count on, and depend on. The type of people you can express feelings to without any worry of judgment. He has blessed you with the means to feel the care, love, understanding and the charitable compassion we all desperately desire. To love and feel loved without question. 
    With divorce rates increasing, more and more areas of contention are rising, and there are fewer beliefs in families as a whole. We are left to decide what our values will be, and if we will hold them. It is not a secret that families have dwindled, and that they are being attacked to the point of being torn apart. The environment in which to bring up a family has become worse, and worse as time has gone by. Standards have fallen, and have been compromised for worldly pleasures. Families as we once knew them have fallen due to worldly pleasures. I exhort you to take some time and talk with your spouse about how you want your family to be. Talk with with them about the strength you want to have between each other, and what you want to understand more about one another. Even if you're 50 years into your marriage, you can still have growth, and that growth in marriage and families is eternal. Families are a blessing, and are to be treated as such. That is my testimony. I know that to be true. 


Yes this is my opinion and feelings. So I will let you decide if you think these trends are either important, not important, or not a big deal. Feel free to comment those answers. 

-Delaying marriage 

-More Couples without children (declining birthrates)
-More mothers going into the workforce (with children under six)
-Pre-Marital Sex
-Children outside of marriage
-Increased Divorce Rates
-House hold sizes ( limit on how many kids)

1 comment:

  1. Interesting read, for I have witnessed first hand how someone's misconstrued view of what family is can lead to that family's destruction. Having children outside of marriage is something that should be taken very seriously, and in the best cases, avoided all together. The confusion, and suffering of children living in a broken family is one of the most heartbreaking situations I have witnessed. In my opinion, children should always come after marriage.
