Saturday, March 4, 2017

Sex in marriage.

This topic is somewhat to me weird to write about but the importance it carries weighs greater than my awkwardness. This blog is going to be about sexual intimacy in marriage. Its going to talk a little about why is it a bigger deal than people lead themselves to believe.
            One of my favorite quotes that talks about sexual intimacy is
“in the case of how life is taken, I think we seem to be quite responsible. The seriousness of that does not often have to be spelled out, and not many sermons need to be devoted to it. But in the significance and sanctity of giving life, some of us are not so responsible”.

The act of giving life has been divinely appointed to those who have partaken into the steps of marital bonds. But besides that what does sexual intimacy really do for a couple?
Through looking at research and everything that we learn about in class I have come to find out more on how it plays a roll in a marriage. It is interesting to see how sexual intimacy can have opposite effects within couples. I have learned that one effect that sexual intimacy can bring to a marriage is one of closeness, and one of bonding. The other effect I have learned is it can have  more of a distancing effect. Sometimes when people wait until marriage to have sexual intercourse it becomes their marriage. It almost seems like everything else kind of stops. Some couples even stop holding hands and such because after marriage they can just have sex instead. I believe that it is safe to say that sex is a barometer for marriage. Depending on how the couple really views sexual intimacy in their marriage can be a good basis for how their marriage is like. I feel like if couples are comfortable with talking to their spouse about sex, then shouldn’t they feel comfortable talking about anything?

            Sex in a marriage is what I would like to call “security”. There are a lot of aspects that are involved in this. Mostly its how women feel regarding sex. When women feel warm and close to their husband they are more open to the idea of such. They feel a closer bond to their spouse because non sexual touch is still included in their relationship. Holding hands, arms around shoulders, hugs, and small kisses always form stronger bonds. Your wife is not there just to have sex with. It was given to man as a sacred thing to do with your spouse. Anything contrary to that, is just abusing that gift.

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